The winning concept of Czech participation at the EXPO 2020 in Dubai

Idea scenario of the concept

The Idea scenario “Czech Spring” comes from the theme assignment of the EXPO 2020, from the concept of the organizers, the natural dispositions and indisposition of Dubai, the potential of Czech scientists and producers, the nature and international reputation of the Czech Republic, the expectations of companies and resorts that want to succeed in Dubai. The project must be competitive on a global scale.

The organizers emphasise, that a major element, both in the workings of the pavilion and its assessment along with the exposition, will be its ecological sustainability – the Czech pavilion will, therefore, be as demountable as possible, it will take into account materials with a low carbon footprint and its operation will be as energy efficient as possible. That is how it will make a major contribution to the subtopics "Opportunity, Mobility, Sustainability".

With regard to the location and environment of Dubai, the organizers greatly emphasize water treatment – the technologies built into the construction of the pavilion will use solar energy to create water out of the air. This technology will become both the symbolic and actual key to the topic “Connecting Mind – Creating Future”.

Based on consultations with scientists from the Czech Academy of Sciences, CTU and leading developers, it is possible to state that there are already technologies that allow the realization of the above-mentioned plan Czech Spring will, however, use original Czech patents to increase the efficiency of water production along with desert cultivation. For that purpose, Czech botanists use soil fungi that prevent water from seeping through the sand and thus enable the cultivation of plants on the surface.

Therefore, the Pavilion will, as a whole, exploit the unfavourable natural conditions for their automatic cultivation - water production and propagation of the mycelium will occur without human care. The visitors will see the long-term ability of original technologies to effortlessly utilize the sun and the air to create that life-giving liquid, which is still the rarest thing in the world (and more expensive than oil in Dubai).

Experts from several different fields will be developing the system: electrical engineers, power engineers, applied physicists, chemists, water managers, environmentalists, botanists, IT technicians, designers and architects; During the EXPO, thematic seminars will take place, which will emphasize both the quality of education in the Czech Republic and the quality of Czech developers and producers.

The Czech Spring project will be patented and will be the cornerstone of business cooperation that will either be established by Czech participation at EXPO 2020 or it will help to improve the current business ties. A large part of those ties are companies involved in fields of architecture, steel structure construction, IT services and applied design.